NBC News Honors Cooke Scholar William Tarpeh

In celebration of Black History Month, NBC News has dedicated February to profiling industry and community leaders under the age of 28 who are “elevating the conversation on black identity, politics, and culture.”

Today’s featured profile spotlights Cooke Scholar William Tarpeh, who has dedicated his scientific work at University of California, Berkeley to creating a means to recycle urine into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. Speaking with NBCBLK28, William stated, “I have a really central belief that potential is universal, but opportunity is not.”

Read Will Tarpeh’s NBCBLK28 Profile

As a Cooke Young Scholar, William attended Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology where his interest in research and academic achievements led him to matriculate to Stanford University as a Cooke College Scholar. Now he is completing his Ph.D. and focusing on research that has the potential to transform sanitation and sustainability.

Learn more about the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s scholarship programs and see how far you can go with our Young Scholars Program for seventh grade students: https://www.jkcf.org/yspWill_Tarpeh_YT_thumb-416858-edited.jpg