Friday, March 13: Education News We're Reading This Week


March 13, 2015—Here are the best articles from education news this week.

Using D.C. as an example, The Washington Post argues that low-income students can succeed when held to similarly high standards as their private school peers. Many schools in the district are doing so successfuly under these “rigorous academic demands,” despite doubts from some education leaders.

MOOCs and other cheap or free online courses have revolutionized higher education. What comes next, states Kevin Carey in The New York Times, is accreditation.

NPR shares the fascinating story of high school college and career coach Alana Mbanza in Chicago, who goes to great lengths to ensure that all eligible seniors complete the FAFSA.

Robert D. Putnam has published a new book on the struggles that follow poor families as well as those with little or no higher education. Read more about “Our Kids” in The Washington Post and NPR.

This piece from The Brookings Institution suggests that income inequality—despite recent arguments to the contrary—is inextricably linked with education.

Findings from an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development study show that there are significant gaps between the educational performance of boys and girls on an international scale. Numbers show that in math, science, and reading, boys age 15 are more likely to be low achieving than girls of the same age; high-performing girls are shown to have less confidence in their math skills than boys of the same category.

The Atlantic covers a new book by Kevin Carey, which outlines the end of traditional college and university methods due to “technological disruption.”

The National College Access Network highlighted both the Cooke Foundation and its executive director, Harold Levy, in this blog on the SXSWedu Education Expo. Levy spoke to participants on Tuesday on issues concerning the undermatching of high-performing, low-income students.

Undergraduate Transfer Scholar Isa Adney features in this article from The Herald-Palladium.

The Loudoun Times-Mirror wrote a follow-up article to a piece they published last year. Jen Lofquist gives an update on College Scholar Dashell Laryea, who is currently at Yale University.