College Concierges & Supporting Students


March 9, 2018 – Here’s our weekly roundup of education news you may have missed. Articles discuss how public schools can better support students, including those experiencing homelessness or in the foster-care system. College promise programs and parental involvement are discussed in higher ed circles.

The 2018 Cooke Young Scholars Program application is open! This selective five-year, pre-college scholarship provides high-performing 7th grade students with comprehensive academic and college advising, as well as financial support for high school, summer programs, internships, and other learning enrichment opportunities. Apply now! The deadline is March 21, 2018.

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Elementary & Secondary Education:

  • “Trauma, schooling instability, poverty: Any one of those challenges can make it harder for gifted children to be found and to show their strengths,” states Education Week, “and students in the foster-care system often have all of those disadvantages and then some.”
  • In PBS NewsHour, John Bridgeland and Tricia Raikes emphasize the need to share best practices for supporting the 1.3 million homeless students who attend public schools in the United States. Both writers are leaders of Education Leads Home, a national campaign to build a stronger future for homeless students.
  • “According to the most recent data, school counselors across the country manage caseloads of about 482 students each,” writes NPR. “The American School Counselor Association recommends that counselors work with 250 students each, but just three states follow that advice.”


Higher Education:

  • New research suggests that students with affluent parents are able to serve as “college concierges” and provide resources to their students, an advantage that students from less-affluent backgrounds are not able to receive from their families. In separate articles, MarketWatch and The Washington Post discuss the repercussions.
  • Statewide college promise programs exist in 16 states, in addition to many local and campus-based initiatives. With several states likely to consider such programs this year, The Century Foundation provides recommendations for successful program structure.
  • Separate stories from The New York Times and The Chronicle of Higher Education share how institutions are using a combination of predictive analytics, advisers, success coaches, and bridging programs to help students with financial need thrive on campus.


Cooke Foundation Highlights:

  • The Hechinger Report details how the Mississippi Public School Consortium for Educational Access, a Cooke Foundation grantee, brings AP courses to students in rural areas.


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